Sunday, October 21, 2007

OK, so after doing much research, I have two fabulous events to offer you. First is a corn maze. This will probably have to take place next Saturday, October 27 or Sunday the 28th. I think it would be best to do this in the evening (so much cooler in the dark). The maze itself is about 3 miles long, and it is absolutely amazing. However, it is located near Lansing, about 45 minutes away. So I will need to know EXACTLY how many people are coming and how many people can drive. Leave a comment letting me know that you are interested and which day is best for you.

We can also make a trip to the Dexter Cider Mill if there is enough interest. Downtown Dexter is about 25 minutes from Ann Arbor, so again, we will be carpooling. This will probably take place the first weekend of November (3rd and 4th) or the weekend after that (10th and 11th). Leave a comment if you are interested in this event. Thank you!


Manisha said...

I'm up for the cider mill on the 10th/11th weekend.

Don't have a car, as you know, so can't drive, sorry.

fizah said...

i'm up for corn maze! Would prefer it to be on saturday. can't drive either. :)

Nami said...

Hey Rachel..I would LOVE to come for the corn maze thing but can only make it on Sunday. And I can't drive :(