I decided to post this because it's very old, and the plant to which it pertains has finally been repotted. Poor thing. I think it's been... 6 years?
Bamboo plant is looking brown
Crispy leaves scattered all around
I think that plant is a little parched
Haven’t watered it since March
Used to be a thing I loved
Now it’s going to plant heaven above
The sun that used to be its friend
Is bringing it to its tragic end
Photosynthesis can’t take place
If I don’t toss some water in that vase
I think I’ll just throw that plant away
It’s surely seen some better days
But suddenly, something grabs my hand
Bamboo plant! It lives and fights!
And I am what it wants to smite!
It curls its leaves around my neck
It’s just a plant?! What the heck?!
I never expected retaliation
Now I am filled with trepidation
Bamboo plant has had enough
It’s ready to be strong and tough
It knows it won’t be the one to croak
As I continue to be choked
There is no hope; I commence to crying
I know it’s me who’s really dying
I confess my sins as I begin to pant
I should’ve watered the bamboo plant
I like it. It seems to crescendo and speed up as it approaches the end.
I agree. I also like the way the poem is separated into description and action.
highly amusing. A couple of the lines were a little awkward, though; considering some of them have such nice syllabic uniformity, the ones that have several extra or several fewer syllables seemed odd.
Also, the question mark after "It's just a plant", even when followed by an exclamation point is a little confusing for a second, since obviously "It's just a plant" doesn't really hint at a question............ or does it? :)
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